Sunday, June 10, 2007


remember when i thought i had some kind of right to say what people should go to at nxne? well, i ended up going to none of that. thankfully, it was because there was way too much other rad stuff to do. lainey's been in town and on thursday she was the special guest of something called smut soiree at roots. she basically dished everything about all the gossip you could ever want to know about. hating paris hilton was a common theme. dan was the moderator, they're a great pair. he should guest edit her blog sometime.

understandably, lainey's got some hardcore fans. champagne on the street wasn't enough, so we went to amber and then fran's.

friday eveyone came over and then we went to the drake. people there are kind of douchy, but none more than one of their bouncers who i overheard calling someone, no joke, "faggot".

amy and i went to see fraser young at the laugh resort on saturday. then line after line on queen st. we ended up at unit. in the morning hung out at a u of t park. perfect sunday.

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